Excellence In Design

Honoring Our Builders’ Quality Construction

Excellence in Design is a highly anticipated yearly program that recognizes projects that are outstanding in design, architecture, and highlight the diverse applications of metal building systems. It is exclusive to Authorized Builders, and designed to recognize quality facilities constructed with American Buildings products, with the winners of each category featured in our annual publication of Excellence In Design. You may gain additional recognition by having your project appear in our printed literature, media, or featured in our website.  

To enter your project, please fill out the form below and upload your images using the form’s integrated upload portal. Professional photos are accepted, but not required. We only ask you submit the full sized, original images so we can modify as needed. If professional photos are submitted, you must ensure we have full marketing rights to those images prior to submitting.

Your submittal grants American Buildings permission to use your project images for all marketing purposes, including reference, brochures, website, advertising, and multi-media.
Submittal Deadline: October 31st.


Competition Entry Rules

The information in your submittal is critical, as it may be used for publicity and metal design/build awards in industry trade publications provided to you by American Buildings. Your submittal grants American Buildings permission to use the images for all marketing purposes.

Please upload high resolution photos with your submittal. DO NOT alter or resize your images. Multiple views of your project are desired. Images such as interior shots, shots from different sides of the building, and photos during the construction progress are appreciated. Professional photos are preferred, but not required. Photographer credits are not listed in any American Buildings marketing efforts.

If you submit professional photographs, you must ensure that American Buildings has full usage rights to the photos. 

Any American Buildings building you have completed, that has not been recognized in a previous EID competition, is eligible. Projects must be submitted by October 31st.

AWARD PLAQUES All qualifying entries will receive an Excellence In Design plaque featuring a photograph of your project.

PRESS RELEASESPress releases will be written for the winning projects for you to send to the publications of your choice. As always, our goal is to provide you with the most free coverage and publicity as possible.

PUBLICITY & MARKETING – We may feature your project in our annual Excellence in Design publication. Your project may be featured in American Buildings’ website. You may receive additional recognition by having your project appear in our printed literature and other marketing efforts. Your project may also be entered in trade publications for competitions, articles, case studies & project highlights.

BONUS AWARDS Credits redeemable for promotional material on the Marketing Portal will be awarded as follows:
Building of the Year: $500
Top Three in each category: $200
Submit five or more entries: $200